Edited and designed by Khirrill
all rights reserved
,,Let's see something about fashion, culture, art and music from a pen of a fresh kid...''

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Attention, please!

It's just a short entry and here not the entry what is interesting. I know my videos were boring. That's why now in Berlin I will record with cam about soters, brands and etc.! But only what I don't know: better if the language of the videos english OR better in hungarian. When I do it in english it can be done with mistakes, and when I do it in hungarian I need to make subtitles! So this is your turn boys and girls! Please vote, here at the right side!!!
Thank you, bye!


  1. i say do it in english.. pretty much if u make a mistake it may be a simple 1 so it wouldn't be that big of a deal..

  2. We say..hungarian...it has more of an artist authenticity.

  3. yo whats up my dude, please check out this mans mixtape on my blog lol its hot trust me. You can download free @ www.thisizmena.blogspot.com
