Hey yo world!!! Here is my newest Боцц / Bots logo by me, Khirrill!!!
I have not finished it yet, but I think it came so fresh!
This "Cartoon life" label is a project and this logo only a part from it. This logo will be on t-shirts, pulovers and on other clothes. From the "Cartoon life" will come out one video, one song!!!
I hope you love it. If yes, write a comment! I repeat it: it's not the utter form, but I want to know is it good?! The concept was I wanted to do something like a fable and the Disney fonts plus the drawed hand with the "Bots Bang" is a good image...
"It's a Bots Thing" can read you at the downside. It is a lyric what is important for me. It's a ___ Thing - say and with it you can tell everything. You know what I'm talkin' about! So if you want to describe something and don't find the word for that you just say: It's a ___ Thing!
That was the rationale, now let's check the picture!!!
I had a little bit lied at the upper part because it's not the newest logo. Today I have finished the newest (the real newest) logo. I've done two, only I need to invent a name for it. That will be better with a lot, I promise!
Thanks for the comments ahead!
by: Khirrill